If you’re experiencing pain, acupuncture may be one possible solution you could consider. At Gulfside Chiropractic Health Center, we offer this type of therapy for patients throughout Greater Bonita Springs. In many places in the world, this alternative to conventional medical care has been well-known for years. A growing number of chiropractic centers, including ours, are helping to raise awareness of this form of treatment.


If you’ve already been through different types of treatment but your joint and muscle aches persist, acupuncture may work for you. This ancient technique involves the insertion of needles with fine tips into specific areas of the skin in an attempt to release pain-killing chemicals from the brain. If you want to discuss this option with a skilled chiropractor, we would be happy to meet with you.

Gulfside Chiropractic Health Center in Bonita Springs, FL, might be just the right place for you to find helpful information about acupuncture. Contact us today to discover more about this topic and our whole menu of available treatments.